Tmtc gains CAP accreditation

THE mewp training centre has become approved to deliver the coveted IPAF CAP (Competent Assessed Person) course.
What is CAP?
CAP stands for ‘competent assessed person’. The one-day IPAF CAP Training Programme is an advanced level of assessment leading to certification that candidates are proficient in undertaking statutory inspections of MEWPs, MCWPs or Construction Hoists (CHs), to the highest specification, as stipulated by legislation/regulations.
What are the benefits of the IPAF CAP Qualification?
Benefits to the individual - the IPAF CAP certification carries high status and sought-after skills. Individuals can be competent in conducting thorough examinations on machines, adding strength to their CV in line with professional development aims and career progression targets.
Benefits to employers – cost-saving; if fleet inspections can be legally and professionally carried out in-house by employees, this negates the requirement to organise an external insurer and accumulate associated costs. Peace of mind; specialist knowledge of powered access machinery is utilised.
Benefit to industry – conducive to safe and efficient fleet operation; familiarity with powered access machinery is retained within the industry with specialist knowledge being applied to machine inspections.
Who is the IPAF CAP Training Programme for?
Engineers wishing to competently plan, manage and conduct a thorough examination of a MEWP, MCWP or Construction Hoist. To be eligible, candidates need to hold a valid IPAF PAL Card and to score at least 12 points using the entry criteria matrix.
Many candidates are already eligible to take the IPAF CAP Training Programme on the merit of their existing qualifications and experience. To find out if you score high enough to take this training programme click on the link below.